Crisis is not a reason to stop taking actions

Swiss private bank UBP boosts net new assets in first half Swiss private bank Union Bancaire Privee booked 3.7 billion Swiss francs (£3.11 billion) of net new assets in the first six months of the year, mainly from private clients, it said on Friday. “The inflows offset most of the decline in assets under management…

Covid-19 accelerates digital transformation at private banks

The pandemic has sparked dramatic changes in the wealth management industry. As markets plummet and liquidity dries up even the most sophisticated investor can be shaken. That’s when they will call upon a trusted adviser, whether to seek short-term tactical advice or simply to be reassured that their diversified portfolio is well-positioned for long-term growth.…

Swiss bank Julius Baer shows the best result in technological implementation

 Julius Baer has been named the winner for the Outstanding Technology Implementation – Front End award at the Global Private Banking Innovation Awards 2020. This marks the 3rd accolade for the Swiss Private Bank’s digital advisory suite, known as DiAS, within six months. Hosted jointly by The Digital Banker and Global Private Banker, the Global Private Banking Innovation Awards-…

Recruitment via videoconference: what a preparation!

In the past few years, videoconference interviewing is becoming more and more popular. The current specific situation increases this phenomenon. Therefore you have to pull all the cards on your side for this one to be a success. Personally, I find this type of interview more complicated than a physical one. The preparation phase is…

Europe Looks to Ease Lockdowns as Outbreaks Level Off.

Europe looks to ease lockdowns As global coronavirus cases passed the 3 million mark Monday, some of the hardest-hit European countries signaled tentative moves to restart their economies after weeks of lockdowns. Italy will start reopening construction and manufacturing sectors on May 4, retailers and museums on May 18, and bars, restaurants and hair salons on June 1. Schools won’t reopen until September.…