In recent times, recruitment processes have been challenged and have continued to evolve. Many recruiters have changed their approach to hiring a potential employee. Other criteria deemed more effective are being put forward. Here are 5 tips to help you improve the recruitment process: 1. Build on your company’s strengths: be aware of your employer…

5 Tips to optimize your productivity

Nowadays, productivity is considered as a skill that must be mastered by professionals. When it comes to work, every company wants its employees to be as productive as possible.  Some are trying hard to be productive, but they don’t have enough knowledge about it and they end up wasting a lot of time everyday. Below…

Video Conference calls and how not to fall asleep

Why you should resist the urge to multitask during Zoom meetings   It’s so tempting, but it can wreak havoc on your productivity. Here’s how to find your focus instead.   We’ve all heard that multitasking is bad and switching between activities makes it harder to complete them. But let’s be honest—many of us multitask…

Recruitment via videoconference: what a preparation!

In the past few years, videoconference interviewing is becoming more and more popular. The current specific situation increases this phenomenon. Therefore you have to pull all the cards on your side for this one to be a success. Personally, I find this type of interview more complicated than a physical one. The preparation phase is…